John Hughes Documentary In The Works At The Time Of His Death.
In 1991, filmmaker John Hughes disappeared from Hollywood. Almost two decades later, four filmmakers went to find him...
SYNOPSIS: How did John Hughes capture the growing pains of adolescence so perfectly? Why do his films resonate with those that grew up with them, and those that have just discovered them? Why did he leave?
Armed with those and many other questions, a documentary was put into production. It wasn't long before interviews with Hughes alumni and those influenced by Hughes transpired, shedding light on Hughes and his work. However, after 2 years of compiling hundreds of interviews there was still a very important one missing: John Hughes.
So the neophyte documentary crew hit the road to his hometown, documenting their journey, the approach they would take and their personal connections to his films.
DON'T YOU FORGET ABOUT ME cuts insightful and entertaining interviews with the honest, humorous, and tension filled road trip the filmmakers go on, hoping to find John Hughes and secure an interview with the reclusive director and closure for themselves.
Photo: Cinetext/Allstar via guardian.co.uk
Material: Don't You Forget About Me: The Blog