For those of you not in the blogger business, and especially those of you not in the blogger business who have cut your hair short to try to look more youthful but have failed miserably, let's have a lesson on Site Meter: "Site Meter is a service which provides counter and tracking information for Web sites. By logging IP addresses and using JavaScript or HTML to track visitor information, Site Meter provides Web site owners with information about their visitors, including how they reached the site, the date and time of their visit, and more."
So if you come to my website 6 times per day, I know about it. I especially know about it if you come to my website 6 times per day and you have cut your hair short to try to look more youthful and have failed miserably. On one of your 6 visits on Sunday you lurked for 14 minutes and 44 seconds, so you must have learned by now that I am one of the nation's most beloved new wave music scholars with thousands of readers, and not some lowlife that kicks it with the same lowlifes that you kick it with. My Site Meter tells me your IP address, your operating system and your browser, and after being in the blogging business since February 2004 it is very easy to know just by the statistics when someone is stalking my site.
So piss off or I will publish the hateful and ridiculous messages that you sent to me. You haggard looking lowlife. If you ever again choose to contact me in any message or mail-type forum you will find yourself in the following position, so eloquently spoken by Dooce: "If you feel that you must send me something hateful I reserve the right to publish your entire email and your email address on this site. This is a personal website, and while I understand that you may disagree with me on many topics, there is an obvious difference between disagreement and hate."
Material: wikipedia.org