To my full time readers around the world that have never heard of Bakersfield California and could give a crap about my 20 year high school reunion this coming Saturday: My apologies for giving you nothing but posts about my reunion for what will end up being the better part of two weeks.
To my West High School Class of 1986 classmates that sort of give a crap: My apologies that on this coming Saturday, Jul. 29, 2006, you will be subjected to someone who is in possession of the Special Senior Edition of The Saga, Vol. XXI, No. 10.
1. What was the overall theme for Homecoming 1983 (sophomore)?
2. What was the score of the 1984 Powder Puff game (junior)?
3. Who was our freshman class president?
4. When did the varsity football team first play a league game on our football field at night? Who did they play? And who won?
5. When were the lockers painted?
6. What was the theme of the Winter Formal, January 28, 1984, and where was it held (sophomore)?
7. Who was homecoming King and Queen 1982 (freshman)?
8. Did the class of 86' have a victory party after winning this year's Powder Puff game (senior)?
9. When was the computer lab opened?
10. When was West High opened?
11. When was the first girls' soccer team formed?
12. What was the musical presented by the Fine Arts Department in 1982 (freshman)?
13. Who was our sophomore class vice president?
14. Where is the easiest place to order a taco or get arrested on a Friday or Saturday night?
15. What was the score of the BHS/West football game our freshman year?
16. When was the song "Valley Girl" popular?
17. Do you remember where the senior quad was?
18. What was the theme for the January 12, 1985 formal and where was it held (junior)?
19. Who was the head cheerleader in 1984 (sophomore)?
20. What do these areas have in common: The Couch, The Dredge, The Pits, The Place, The Shack, and The Orchards?
21. When did KWHS begin?
22. What year was it when the power went off first period - and they actually dismissed us for the day?
1. Disneyland
2. 6-6
3. Doug Morrison
4. November 1985, BHS, West
5. 1983
6. "The Royal Ball," Red Lion Inn
7. Stacie King and Mark Luttrell
8. Ask Wendy
9. 1984 (sophomore)
10. 1965
11. 1983 (sophomore)
12. Oklahoma
13. Stacey Cochran
14. Taco Bell
15. 14-0, West
16. Summer '82 (freshman)
18. "Midnight in Paris," BC Fireside Room
19. Beth Bonetti
20. If you're looking here, you'll never know
21. 1983 (sophomore)
22. 1984 (junior), (remember Blaine's)