Safeway Employee ringing up my groceries: "So are you visiting from out of town?"
Waist High: "Oh, are you wondering about the Vons club card, I've had this forever."
Safeway Employee ringing up my groceries: "No. I was wondering about the hat. Bakersfield Fire Department."
Waist High: "No I live here but I grew up there. Look away. It's a hideous place. People make fun of it."
Safeway Employee ringing up my groceries: "Nah. Modesto is worse!"
Waist High readers meet Ignacio "Nacho" Figueras, the 28 year old Argentinian professional polo player and the face of Ralph Lauren Polo's Polo Black fragrance. Ignacio "Nacho" Figueras: meet the Waist High readers.
Photo courtesy: polo.com