The below messages were left on Waist High's cell phone Saturday evening by special correspondent to Waist High "Tri-Tip."
1. A gummer is one of the words that "Tri-Tip" has used for years to describe a certain population of people in my (and his) hometown.
2. I guess it is only fitting that Waist High would receive phone calls like this.
Saturday 11:43 p.m.
"Hey. It's 'Tri-Tip' giving you an update. We are now at the Pour House. Excuse me. Yes, that's what I said. The Pour House. Um. There were almost fisticuffs at the Alley Cat because my ______ _________ __ _______ was there and he was, uh, fried out of his mind and uh, there was a situation. But um we took care of it. We left. Everybody is in tact. Now we're at the Pour House. Uh, I will check in again at another time and place. We're at Gummerville U.S.A. now. Gummerville U.S.A. We're off of Fruitvale Avenue. Gummerville. I am in trouble. But. Uh. Anyway. I will get back to you as soon as I can."
Saturday 12:06 a.m.
"Ah, this is 'Tri-Tip' reporting in from Bakersfield California. Reporting in to Oregon. Uh. (laughing) I'm in a far far away land right now. But I'm having a really good time. So anyways. Have a merry Christmas. And uh, I will get back to you here. I had a couple of scummers here in the bathroom right now so I had to like, like, cloak it. But it's all good now. Everybody's gone. But. I. Instead of ordering 1 glass of beer I ordered a pitcher. It is 'Tri-Tip' signing out from Bakersfield California from the Pour House. I will talk to you later. Bye."