If you have never met Waist High personally, you might not know that she loves to purposely aggravate people. For fun sometimes, WH likes to call her mother and say random things like, "You know, I have a real problem with the way I was raised." Or "Do you think I would be as weird as I am if I was breastfed?" Usually her replies are something like, "Aren't you supposed to be at work?"
Sunday morning my mother and I were driving on the outskirts of Oregon wine country in the Taurus. I was purposely trying to aggravate her with no real success for about two hours. She was just not playing along. Suddenly, she had finally drove me to the point where I had to pull out the big guns so I pulled out Public Image Limited and inserted it into the tape deck and began to play it at a high level of volume all the while slamming my head back and forth.
Finally! I finally got her. Success at last!
In her high pitched exasperated voice she screamed: "Will you PLEASE turn that down? I can't stand your music. The only kind of music I like is music with no words."
Photo courtesy: suprmchaos.com