
Social Distortion. Like For Real.

Brand new Waist High special correspondent "Tri Tip" followed up on the Social D. concert last night with a phone call to the offices of Waist High this afternoon: "The scummers were coming out of the woodwork, and I mean they were really coming out of the woodwork. We're talking people we haven't seen in 18 years."

He goes on, "I saw________ and _________ and ________ and old _________, he was looking like he was about to die, kind of like Jim Morrison looked right before he died. He was double fisting whiskey and water."

Tri Tip tells me that 36/37/38/39/40/41 year olds in my hometown still do cocaine, get hammered on work nights, and a former really good friend of Waist High is now living on the streets apparently. But on a good note, there were only 3 fights the entire evening.